Sunday, April 12, 2009

Passover in Pictures

Seder #1.
As I mentioned last Tuesday, we had to get crafty to satiate the carb needs of a two year old. Here he is, refusing anything that's not a bagel, looking proud in his velvet blazer and Blues Clues kippah.

Plague Masks...

Plague Stickers (as it has been noted, it's hard to make fun paraphernalia out of, well, oppression...)

And of course, delicious food.

Seder #2.
The Bunny's mother makes a beautiful seder plate and lovely spread.

Two fun facts I learned: 1) You recline to the left instead of the right because rabbis believed it was better for digestion. 2) The afikomen hunting party was hatched as a way to wake the children up after a long seder. Hilarious.

But NOT AS HILARIOUS as a seder for dogs:


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